Saturday, May 23, 2009

Atlas of Creation

Atlas Penciptaan

The fossil record is perhaps the most important evidence that demolishes the theory of evolution's claims. Fossils reveal that life forms on Earth have never undergone even the slightest change and have never developed into one another. Examining the fossil record, we see that living things are exactly the same today as they were hundreds of millions of years ago—in other words, that they never underwent evolution. Even during the most ancient periods, life forms emerged suddenly with all their complex structures–with the perfect and superior features, just as do their counterparts today.
This demonstrates one indisputable fact: Living things did not come into being through the imaginary processes of evolution. All the living things that have ever existed on Earth were created by God. This fact of creation is once again revealed in the traces left behind them by flawless living things.
This book will provide you with not only such information as what fossils are and where and how they are found, but also a closer examination of a variety of fossil specimens, millions of years old, that are still able to declare, "We never underwent evolution; we were created." The fossils discussed and illustrated in this book are just a few examples of the hundreds of millions of specimens that prove the fact of creation. And even these few are enough to prove that the theory of evolution is a major hoax and deception in the history of science.

Rekaman fosil mungkin petunjuk terpenting yang menghancurkan pernyataan-pernyataan teori evolusi. Fosil-fosil mengungkapkan bahwa bentuk-bentuk kehidupan di Bumi tidak pernah mengalami perubahan sedikit jua dan tidak pernah berkembang ke satu sama lain. Dengan meneliti rekaman fosil, kita melihat bahwa mahluk-mahluk hidup hari ini persis sama sebagaimana mereka jutaan tahun silam—yakni, bahwa mereka tidak pernah menjalani evolusi. Bahkan selama masa-masa paling purba, bentuk-bentuk kehidupan muncul mendadak bersama dengan semua struktur rumit mereka—dengan ciri-ciri yang sempurna dan unggul, sebagaimana sesama mereka hari ini.
Ini menunjukkan satu fakta tidak terbantahkan: Mahluk-mahluk hidup tidak mewujud lewat proses khayalan evolusi. Semua mahluk hidup yang pernah ada di Bumi diciptakan oleh Allah. Fakta penciptaan ini sekaligus tersingkap dalam jejak-jejak yang ditinggalkan oleh mahluk-mahluk hidup tanpa cela ini.
Buku ini akan memberikan Anda bukan hanya dengan informasi semacam apakah fosil itu dan di mana dan bagaimana fosil ditemukan, namun juga suatu pemerian lebih mendalam aneka spesimen fosil, jutaan tahun umurnya, yang masih mampu berseru, “Kami tidak pernah menjalani evolusi; kami diciptakan.” Fosil-fosil yang dibahas dan digambarkan di dalam buku ini hanyalah beberapa contoh dari ratusan juta spesimen yang membuktikan fakta penciptaan. Namun, sejumput fosil ini telah cukup untuk membuktikan bahwa teori evolusi adalah dusta dan muslihat besar dalam sejarah ilmu pengetahuan.

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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Allah's Artistry In Colour - The Miracle in The Spider

1. (Cita Rasa Seni Warna Ilahi)

Allah's Artistry In Colour
Colours, patterns, spots even lines if each living being existing in nature have a meaning. For some species, colours serve as a communication tool; for others, they are a warning against enemies. An attentive eye would immediately recognize that the colours of living beings are created just as they should be. Furthermore, he would realize that everything is given to the service of man: the blue sky, the colorful flowers, the bright green trees and meadows, together with innumerable beauties surrounding man.

2. (Keajaiban Laba Laba)

The Miracle in The Spider
This is not a biological treatise on the tiny creature called a spider. It is indeed about the spider but the reality it reveals and the message it gives is much more significant. Just as a tiny key opens a huge door, this book will open new horizons for its readers. And the reality behind that door is the most important reality that one can come across in one’s lifetime. Relating the amazing and admirable features of spiders known by few people and asking the questions of

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The Creation of the Universe - The Miracle of The Immune System

1. (Penciptaan Alam Semesta)

The Creation of the Universe
Ruling over the world of science in the 19th century, the materialist philosophy had proposed that the universe is an uncontrolled heap of matter that existed since infinite time. The discoveries made in the twentieth century, however, entirely refuted this materialist claim. Today, science has proven that the universe had a beginning, that is, it was created from nothing. With this beginning called the Big Bang, both matter and time were created from nothing.
Moreover, the discoveries made in the last 30-40 years have revealed that the physical balances of the universe are organized in an extraordinarily precise way. All physical balances of the universe from the rate of the explosion (Big Bang), to the values of the four basic forces of physics, from the nuclear reactions in stars to the structure of atom, are tailored to support human life. The structure of the earth, its place in space, and its atmosphere are all designed just as they have to be. The physical and chemical properties of atoms such as carbon and oxygen, or molecules such as water are ordered to make human life possible. Shortly put, there is no room for coincidence in the universe. The entire universe is created according to a certain purpose and in a glorious equilibrium, harmony and order. This is the exalted and flawless creation of Allah, "the Lord of All Worlds". Allah states this fact as follows in the Qur’an:
Your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six days and then settled Himself firmly on the Throne. He covers the day with the night and, each pursuing the other urgently; and the sun and moon and stars are subservient to His command. Both creation and command belong to Him. Blessed be Allah, the Lord of all worlds. (Surat al-Araf: 54)

2. (Rahasia Kekebalan Tubuh)

The Miracle of The Immune System

When the events of "sickness" and "recovering" take place, our bodies become a battleground in of a bitter struggle. Microbes intrude into our body and reproduce rapidly. The body, however, has a mechanism that combats them. Known as the "immune system", this mechanism is the most disciplined, complex and successful army of the world. This system proves that the human body is the outcome of a unique design. In other words, the human body is an evidence of the flawless creation of God.

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Darwinsm Refuted

Darwinsm Refuted
(Menyanggah Darwinisme)

This book is the most comprehensive scientific challenge from Harun Yahya to Darwinism. As the book explains in detail, findings from the last two decades in particular openly contradict the basic assumptions of this the evolutionary theory. Many branches of science, such as paleontology, biochemistry, population genetics, comparative anatomy and biophysics, indicate that natural processes and coincidental effects cannot explain life, as the theory of evolution proposes.

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Signs of the Last Day

Signs of the Last Day
(Tanda Tanda Kiamat)

One of the thOne of the things that Allah reveals in the Qur’an is that the universe has been created and that it will come to an end. The universe will, as will human beings and all other living things, come to an end. This appointed time is called the “Hour” in the Qur’an.
The Qur’an contains detailed descriptions of the process of that event.
Even though the Qur’an does not indicate the time of the Hour, it describes the events that will happen prior to it. One verse relates this fact as follows:
What are they awaiting but for the Hour to come upon them suddenly? Its Signs have already come. What good will their Reminder be to them when it does arrive? (Surah Muhammad: 18)
In order to understand the signs of this “great announcement” we must reflect upon the verses. Otherwise, as the verse indicates, our thinking will be of no use when the Last Day is suddenly upon us.
Some of the hadiths of the Prophet (saas) deal with the signs of the Hour. In these hadiths of the Prophet (saas), there are both signs of the Hour and detailed information about the period just preceding it. This book examines the signs of the Hour through the verses of the Qur’an and hadiths of the Prophet (saas). And it shows the fact that these signs have begun to appear in our present time. It should also be kept in mind that Allah knows the truth about everything. As with all things, what we know about the end of the world comes only from what He has revealed to us.

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Magnificence Everywhere

Magnificence Everywhere
(Pesona di Alam Raya)

All the comparisons made so far and the examples given throughout this book constitute only a small part of the diversity of Allah's perfect artistry in creation. For example, only a couple of the general traits of butterflies are mentioned, whereas entire pages of books covering just the eyes of butterflies have been written. In addition, there are many different species of butterfly, each one having a unique set of traits. In this book, only a few characteristics of the human body are dealt with in a general way, but voluminous books and research papers on the subject of bones alone are available. There are books filled with pages devoted to the cornea of the human eye, the wings of an insect, and even to the substance of these wings
All this provides concrete evidence for the existence of Allah. Allah encompasses all things in His knowledge and anybody who understands this will immediately see the magnificence present in creation. Every man will comprehend the greatness of Allah, according to the degree of his own wisdom and conscience.

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The World of Animals

The World of Animals
(Pesona Alam Satwa)

Dear Kids! In this book you will learn about the fascinating and admirable features of the lovely animals in nature. While reading the book, you will see how God has created all creatures in the most beautiful way, and how every one of them shows us His endless beauty, power and knowledge

"Do you know all the animals?" We can hear you saying, "Not really. Only some of them." Do you know about these creatures' lives? Do you know how they are born? How they live? How they protect themselves and find food? You probably have no idea about most of the details of these animals' lives. But don't worry! As you read this book, you will learn astounding things about them and be amazed at the various perfections and fine qualities Allah has given these living creatures.

You are already acquainted with many animals. But in this book, you will also get to know some other animals' secret and marvellous worlds, which you have most probably never heard about or seen. You will like them very much. As you continue reading, you will be amazed at the way these animals can accomplish some of the tasks they do. You will see ostriches - the fastest runners in the world, tigers - some of the best sprinters, sharp-teethed squirrels, eye-catching peacocks and, as you meet them, you will come to know them better. Meanwhile, keep in mind that these are only some of the animals that exist in the world… Our planet abounds with countless other animal species.

While seeing the beauties of these creatures, keep in mind that Allah, the Creator of all these creatures, only wants us to think about the infinite might and art in His creation, recognise that He has created everything and that He is the owner of every living being. He also wants us to see the beauty in these living creatures, to take pleasure from their beauty and thereby love Allah and be grateful to Him because He has created all these splendid creatures.

The creation of all the universe, all the lovely animals, plants, night and day and everything surrounding you serves a single purpose: to come to be able to see the sublime and flawless creation of Allah. The purpose is simply to make us, human beings, say, "How graciously Allah has created!" Reading The World of Animals will provide this outlook on the living creatures you see around you.

Are you ready? Now, turn the page and embark on The World of Animals! There is a whole world of wonderful animals waiting for you inside!

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The Design in Nature

The Design in Nature
(Keajaiban Desain di Alam)

Darwin said: "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down." When you read this book, you will see that Darwin's theory has absolutely broken down, just as he feared it would.
Creatures in nature have extremely complex body systems. A thorough examination of the feathers of a bird, the sonar system of a bat or the wing structure of a fly reveals amazingly complex designs. These designs clearly indicate that all living things are flawlessly created by Allah.
The theory of evolution advanced by Charles Darwin in the 19th century denies creation and suggests that design in nature came into existence “spontaneously and accidentally” through natural processes. According to the theory of evolution, the basic mechanism of this phenomenon is “gradual development.”
Scientific developments in the 20th century, however, have shown that designs in creatures cannot be attributed to “gradual development.” Living bodies consist of organs made up of intricate components, the absence of even one of which would render that organ useless. Even these “irreducibly complex” organs alone clearly prove that life cannot be accounted for by natural causes but was flawlessly created by Allah.
In this book, you will see the proofs of Allah’s perfect creation.

The lobster eye is composed of numerous squares. These well-arranged squares are in fact the ends of tiny square tubes. The sides of each one of these square tubes are like mirrors that reflect the incoming light. This reflected light is focused onto the retina flawlessly. The sides of the tubes inside the eye are lodged at such perfect angles that they all focus onto a single point.

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Global Freemasonry The Masonic Philosophy Unveiled & Refuted

Global Freemasonry The Masonic Philosophy Unveiled & Refuted
(Ancaman Global Freemasonry)

After reading this book, you will be able to consider many subjects, from philosophical schools to newspaper headlines, rock music songs to political perspectives, with a deeper understanding, and discern the meaning and aims behind events and phenomena.

Freemasonry is a subject that has attracted much discussion for several centuries. Some have accused Masonry of fantastic crimes and misdeeds. Instead of trying to understand "the Brotherhood," and criticizing it objectively, critics have been unduly hostile to the organization. For their part, Masons have deepened their traditional reticence in the face of these accusations, preferring to present themselves as an ordinary social club-which they are not.

This book contains a correct exposition of Masonry as a school of thought. The most important unifying influence among Masons is their philosophy-which can be best described according to such terms as "materialism" and "secular humanism." But, it is an errant philosophy based on false suppositions and flawed theories. This is the basic starting-point from which Masonry must be criticized.

It is necessary to point out from the start that such criticism is important, not only to inform non-Masons on the subject, but also to invite Masons themselves to see the truth. Of course, Masons, like everyone else, are free to choose for themselves, and can adopt whatever worldview they wish and to live in accordance with it. This is their natural right. But, others also have a right to expose their errors and to criticize them, and this is what this present book attempts to do.

We follow the same approach in our criticisms of other communities as well. Like the Jews for example. This book, in part, also deals with the history of Judaism and offers certain important criticisms. It must be pointed out that these have nothing to do with anti-Semitism or "Judeo-Masonic" conspiracy theories. Indeed, anti-Semitism is alien to a true Muslim. Jews are a people that at one time had been chosen by God and to whom He sent many prophets. Throughout history they suffered much cruelty, even being subjected to genocide, but they never abandoned their identity. In the Qur'an, God calls them, together with Christians, the People of the Book, and enjoins Muslims to treat them kindly and justly. But, a necessary part of this justice is to criticize the errant beliefs and practices of some of them, to show them the path to true righteousness. But of course, their right to live according to what they believe in and desire is beyond question.

Global Freemasonry sets out from this premise, and investigates critically Masonry's roots, as well as its aims and activities. In this book, the reader will also find a summary of the history of the Masons' struggle against theistic religions. Freemasons have played an important role in Europe's alienation from religion, and in its place, founding of a new order based on the philosophies of materialism and secular humanism. We will also see how Masonry has been influential in the imposition of these dogmas to non-Western civilizations. Finally, we will discuss the methods Masonry has used to help establish and perpetuate a social order based on these dogmas. Their philosophy and the methods they use to establish this philosophy will be exposed and criticized.

It is hoped that the important facts related in this book will be a means whereby many, including Masons, will be able to look at the world with better awareness.

After reading this book, the reader will be able to consider many subjects, from schools of philosophy to newspaper headlines, rock songs to political ideologies, with a deeper understanding, and better discern the meaning and aims behind events and factors.

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Sunday, April 12, 2009


(Ideologi Berdarah Darwinisme)

Fascism is an ideology that has brought great disasters to humanity. Not only has it caused millions of people to be killed and tortured simply because of their race, but it has also attempted to abolish all human values. The main purpose of the book is to present various fascist tendencies which appear under different methods and guises, and expose their real origins and objectives. The book also attempts to tear down the mask of fascism, and reveal that fascism is definitely an anti-religionist system....

Fascism is an oppressive political movement that first developed in Italy after 1919, and then in various countries in Europe, as a reaction to the political and social changes brought about by World War I. The name comes from the Latin word fasces, meaning a bundle of rods tied around an axe which symbolized authority in ancient Rome.

The term "fascism" was first used in Italy by the 1922-1924 government led by Benito Mussolini. And the figure of a bundle of sticks tied around an axe became the emblem of the first fascist party. After Italy, fascist governments came to power in Germany from 1933 to 1945, and in Spain from 1939 to 1975. After World War II, dictatorial regimes set up in South America and other undeveloped countries were generally described as fascist.

To understand the philosophy of fascism, we may consider the description that Mussolini wrote for the Italian Encyclopedia in 1932:

Fascism, the more it considers and observes the future and the development of humanity quite apart from political considerations of the moment, believes neither in the possibility nor the utility of perpetual peace. It thus repudiates the doctrine of Pacifism-born of a renunciation of the struggle and an act of cowardice in the face of sacrifice. War alone brings up to its highest tension all human energy and puts the stamp of nobility upon the peoples who have courage to meet it. All other trials are substitutes, which never really put men into the position where they have to make the great decision-the alternative of life or death.... [The Fascist] conceives of life as duty and struggle and conquest, but above all for others-those who are at hand and those who are far distant, contemporaries, and those who will come after.

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The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution in 20 Questions

The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution in 20 Questions
(Runtuhnya Teori Evolusi dalam 20 Pertanyaan)

The Theory of Evolution has been around for 150 years, and has had a great influence on the way people look at the world. This book considers the invalidity of the theory of evolution at a lay level. Evolutionists' claims on certain matters are responded to with questions that are frequently asked, the meanings of which are not often understood. The answers provided in this book can be found in more scientific detail in other Harun Yahya books such as The Evolution Deceit, and Darwinism Refuted.

THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION has been around for 150 years, and has had a great influence on the way people look at the world. It proposes the lie that they came into this world as the result of chance and that they are a "species of animal." Furthermore, it teaches them that the only law in life is a selfish struggle for survival and to stay alive. The effects of this idea can be clearly seen in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: people's increasing selfishness, the moral degeneration in society, the rapid spread of self-interest, ruthlessness, and violence, the development of totalitarian and bloody ideologies such as fascism and communism, social and individual crises as people grow distant from the morality of religion,…

The social results of the theory of evolution have been examined in other books of this author. (see Harun Yahya's The Disasters Darwinism Brought to Humanity, Communism Lies in Ambush, The Black Magic of Darwinism, and The Religion of Darwinism). It is revealed in these books that this theory, which claims to be "scientific," actually has no scientific basis at all, that it is a scenario stubbornly defended in the face of all the facts, consisting of nothing but superstitions.

It is essential that those who wish to learn about the true nature of the theory of evolution and the Darwinian "worldview" that has systematically dragged the world towards violence, savagery, ruthlessness, and conflict for the last 150 years turn to those books.

This book will consider the invalidity of the theory of evolution at a more general level. Evolutionists' claims on certain matters will be responded to with questions that are frequently asked, the meanings of which are not entirely understood. The answers provided in this book can be found in more scientific detail in those of this author's books such as The Evolution Deceit, and Darwinism Refuted.

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Why Darwinism is Incompatible With the Qur'an

Why Darwinism is Incompatible With the Qur'an
(Mengapa Darwinisme Bertentangan dg Al-Quran)

This book replies from a very different perspective to the errors of those believers who still support the theory of evolution. Muslims who believe in the theory of evolution must consider this book carefully. Some may support the theory because they are unaware of its underlying philosophy, that it is supported solely for the sake of atheism. This book displays what they fail to see. Moreover, the book explains that a "theistic evolution" is not also acceptable, because the creation account in the Holy Qur'an is not compatible with any evolutionary model.

Different concepts may come to mind when the theory of evolution is mentioned. Some people, mainly materialists who think that it is a scientifically proven fact, fiercely support it and, equally fiercely, reject all ideas opposed to it.
A second group consists of people who are not well-informed about the theory of evolution's claims. They are not particularly interested in it, since they do not realize the harm that Darwinism has done to humanity over the last century and a half. They see no problem with how it is imposed on people and fiercely defended, despite its scientific invalidity, for they have closed their eyes to what is going on.
Even if they know that this theory has lost all scientific credibility, they cannot take seriously those who still find it important, because they themselves do not consider it important. They consider it unnecessary to explain the theory's invalidity or to publish books and hold conferences on the subject, for in their eyes the theory is already "old hat" or passé.
A third group consists of those who, under the influence of materialist suggestion and propaganda, view this theory as scientific fact and look for a "middle way" between it and belief in God. They accept Darwinism's account of the origin of life word for word, yet try to build a bridge between the theory of evolution and religious belief by maintaining that this account operates under God's control.
In reality, each of these views is mistaken, for the theory of evolution cannot reasonably be portrayed as scientific fact, passed off as unimportant, or adapted to religion. As we shall see throughout this book, the theory's ideological framework consists of anti-religious thought put forward to strengthen atheism and to give it a firm foundation. Moreover, it is fiercely defended by people who have been persuaded by materialism, for it is constructed on materialist philosophy and offers a materialist commentary on the world. From the time it was first put forward by Charles Darwin and right up to the present day, it has brought humanity nothing but conflict, exploitation, war, and degeneration. Given this, it is essential that we acquire a sound understanding of the subject and launch a serious fight against it on the ideological level.This book replies from a very different perspective to the errors of those believers who still support the theory of evolution. It offers a response to those Muslims who look for common ground between the theory of evolution and the fact of creation, and who even try to find evidence for the theory in the Qur'an. The purpose is not to criticize Muslim evolutionists, but rather to explain that their attitude is mistaken, to assist them on the level of ideas, and to be a means whereby they can adopt a more correct perspective.Two other facts will be discussed in this book: First, that Darwinism is a theory that lacks any scientific foundation, and second, that its real target is religion. Therefore, it will emphasize how wrong it is for Muslims to take the theory lightly or to underestimate it, and to see no need to wage an intellectual struggle against it.
Believers should avoid defending this theory and its ideological meaning, for both contradict the truths of Islam. Some may support the theory because they are unaware of the disasters that it has visited upon humanity, that it is supported by people who hate religion, and that it rejects the fact of creation. That being the case, those Muslims who have only a little information on the subject should avoid going down that road, for as Allah tells the faithful in the Qur'an:

Do not pursue what you have no knowledge of. Hearing, sight and hearts will all be questioned. (Qur'an, 17: 36)

Exemplary Muslims should research the matter in all sincerity and behave according to the realization that:

... Those who have become Muslim are those who sought right guidance. (Qur'an, 72: 14)

As the above verse commands, Muslims who believe in the theory of evolution must consider this theory carefully, carry out wide-ranging research, and make their decision according to their consciences. This book has been written to help them do so and to shed some light upon the path that they are following.

The men and women of the believers are friends of one another. They command what is right and forbid what is wrong, and establish prayer and pay welfare and charity, and obey Allah and His Messenger. They are the people on whom Allah will have mercy. Allah is Almighty, All - Wise. (Qur'an, 9: 71)

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Articles Compilation

Harun Yahya is a pen name used by Mr. Adnan Oktar.
Born in Ankara in 1956, Adnan Oktar is a prominent Turkish intellectual. Completely devoted to moral values and dedicated to communicating the sacred values he cherishes to other people, Oktar started his intellectual struggle in 1979 during his education at Mimar Sinan University's Academy of Fine Arts. During his university years, he carried out detailed research into the prevalent materialistic philosophies and ideologies around him, to the extent of becoming even more knowledgeable about them than their advocates. As a result of his accumulation of knowledge, he has written various books on the fallacy of the theory of evolution. His dedicated intellectual effort against Darwinism and materialism has grown out to be a worldwide phenomenon. Quoting from the 22 April 2000 issue of New Scientist, Mr. Oktar became an "international hero" in communicating the fallacy of the theory of evolution and the fact of creation. The author's intellectual struggle against materialism and Darwinism has frequently been mentioned in such mainly evolutionist publications as National Geographic, Science, New Scientist and NSCE Reports. The English and German editions of the November, 2004, issue of National Geographic referred to the author's works concerning the Fact of Creation. The following quotation from the book The Evolution Deceit was also included: "The theory of evolution is nothing but a deception imposed on us by the dominators of the world system." The author has also produced various works on Zionist racism and Freemasonry and their negative effects on world history and politics. The Zionism criticised by the author in his books is the baseless claims of Zionist extremists pretend to world sovereignty, regard other human beings as worthless entities, maintain that the Jews are the chosen people and that God is theirs alone. Yet the author's writings very definitely do not imply a rejection of the Jews' right to live in peace and security within the borders of their own state.

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Insight Magazine

Insight Magazine Volume 1/14.
Insight. On science, Faith and The World.

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List of Harun Yahya Ebooks
